Soft Tissue Grafting in Oakville

A gum graft is often performed to correct recession present on teeth (which can occur anywhere in the mouth) or to create new gum tissues in areas lacking it (most often with the lower front teeth).

When we are treating recession, there are certain criteria that need to be present beforehand to ensure a successful result. Also, post-operative care is essential to ensure a successful outcome. The grafting may be done with the patients own tissue, taken from the palate (roof of the mouth) or it can come from a donated source (human or animal origin).

When replacing missing gum tissue, we always use the patients own tissue from the palate. This type of gum grafting is most commonly done with patients that have had, or will be having, orthodontic treatment. This procedure grafts new gum tissue to the area, ensuring that the site remains healthy and minimizes the risk of recession progressing.

Whichever technique is required, your periodontist will discuss these further with you.